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fifth annual LRC Christmas Part | Lanna Rugby Club Chiang Mai
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Fifth Annual LRC Christmas Party

It was great to have the For the fifth annual LRC Christmas Party at The Moat House.
This year the big man him self, Santa, popped by to say hello to the Lanna Cubs. A nice spread was on offer as the youth players eagerly awaited to see Santa. 
Thanks to our generous sponsors we were able to gift each kids a personalized match kit shirt!
This was a wonderful end to the first half of the Lanna Rugby Club calendar. 
We hope all the Youth, Men’s and Women’s players had a fantastic Christmas and New Year, recuperating from what has been a great start to the rugby year in Chiang Mai.
Thanks also to the The Donut Cafe, for not only being one of our sponsors, but also for sending over a shed load of donuts to feed the kids. Thanks also to Siam Lab, the KG Group and AllMaps for your support in the grassroots rugby.

Lanna Rugby Club would like to thank our 2023-24 season sponsors:

Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | The Moat House
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | MapAll
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Pyongyang Adventure Park
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Omo Inc.
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | The Donut Cafe
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Crossfit Chiang Mai
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Bella Goose
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Rad Rabbit
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Chiang Mai Osteopathy
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Food For Though
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | LO Du Siam
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | Smash Daddys
Lanna Rugby Club Sponsorship | KM Group